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Plummer block housing unit
Plummer block housing, consisting of housing body VR, shaft VRW and two bearings
Product information

Main Dimensions & Performance Data
d | 50 mm | Shaft diameter |
a | 210 mm | Length base |
h1 | 138 mm | Height |
g2 | 381 mm | Total width with cover |
≈m | 28.5 kg | Weight |
B | 27 mm | Width |
b | 60 mm | Width base |
c | 25 mm | Heigth base |
D | 110 mm | Outside diameter bearing |
d2 | 60 mm | Shaft diameter shoulder |
d4 | 42 mm | Shaft dieameter outside |
e | 300.5 mm | Locking collar width |
h | 70 mm | Center heigth |
m | 170 mm | Distance fixing bore |
n | 275 mm | Bore distance width |
s | M12 | Size of fixing screws |
w1 | 625 mm | Length shaft total |
w2 | 110 mm | Distance shaft end |
w3 | 112 mm | Length shaft tap |
w4 | 179 mm | Lenght shaft end |
w5 | 240 mm | Length shaft shoulder |
w7 | 206 mm | Lenght shaft end |
Additional information
NU310-E-TVP2-C3 | Bearing designation | |
2X7310-B-TVP-UA | Reference bearing designation | |
VR310-C | Housing |